
Fate carved on Ice 1 - The Assignment

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Hello there everyone! My name is Miki and well, this is the first story i have written in almost 7 years. That is some rust and dust. Wahaha.


We all know there are apparitions in the world that we humans cannot normally see. Call them spirits or ghosts if you will - they can be benevolent or unkind, and are as old as time. But there are certain entities tasked to spread joy, wonder, hope, and dreams. Especially to children.


These are called “Guardians”, a title bestowed upon a certain spirit by the Man in the Moon. He was responsible for beloved icons that children know today: Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, Sandman and the Tooth Fairy. He had recently chosen a new one to add to the fray.


It had been 2 years now since Jack Frost was chosen to join them. The spirit of winter, the one responsible for the frost on your windows, the blizzards, the snow days, and of course, the cold nipping at your nose.


So there you have it. Where does our story start, you ask? It starts in Pennsylvania, in a town called Burgess. Another snowy night as autumn welcomed the winter season. Soft blankets of powder coated the streets, intricate swirls of frost lined the glass windows of every building in the next block. Serene, dark, midnight skies graced the heavens, with the stars laid out in their twinkling glory. A normal-looking town, with a normal-looking neighborhood but the night was slowly starting to get magical.



“Come on Jack~ Tell me another story~”


A young boy with brown hair and eyes, still wide awake past his bedtime leaned on his windowsill, looked up at the star-filled night. He wasn’t talking to the stars, but to the floating entity riding the winter breeze. A young man, no older than 18, with snow-white hair and skin pale enough to match. He wore nothing but brown pants tied to his legs with twine and a simple blue hooded sweatshirt - although you could see the frost spreading around the lining of his clothes. He had no shoes but then he did not need them, as the cold never bothered him before. And in his hand, a shepherd’s crook, a simple wooden staff. If you looked closer, you could see a soft blue glow emitting from where his hand held the staff. And his face wore a mischievous grin, full of playfulness and untold temptation.


“Come on, come on, come on! My mom will kill me if catches me still awake!”


“Okay okay, hold your horses kiddo!”


He laughed, a musical sound, as he floated down to edge of the window. It was none other than Jack Frost. He was spending time again with his favorite believer - not to mention his first. Jamie had a special place in Jack’s heart.


Jack may be the newly appointed Guardian of Fun but he always did find the time to come by Jamie’s room and to just hang out with the boy who in turn was always excited to see Jack. He had always considered Jack to be the big brother he never had, and Jack certainly didn’t mind. All the kids he encountered quickly became like his little brothers and sisters. Jamie shifted in his seat by the window, not taking his eyes off the floating spirit.


Jack thought for a moment, his forefinger and thumb under his chin with his eyes looking upward. “Well…what about the time I painted Bunny red and green the night before Easter last year?” he asked the little boy, his eyes turning down to look at Jamie with that signature mischievous twinkle in his eyes.


Jack chuckled at the memory. He managed to sneak into the Warren one night when the Pooka was resting before his big day. Bunny slept so soundly at night, only for him to be awaken by the sight of his fur in Christmas colors. He chased Jack all the way to the North Pole, trying to get one swipe at the laughing teen. It didn’t help that North had also had a laugh at that and  would most  likely wouldn’t be leaving him alone with the memory for a few years.


Jamie tried to hold his laughter in, his hands covering his mouth to silence down his muffled giggles. He didn’t want his mom to hear him but he had to admit; a green and red Easter Bunny? Hilarious.


“Yeah~ tell me how you did it! Did the Easter Bunny ever get the paint off? Did he wear those colors during Easter? How long did he have to wear it-“


The Guardian laughed. “Slow down, remember? I can only keep track of one question at a time.” Just as he was about to retell his story, he noticed the young boy covering a yawn and his eyes were drooping. He chuckled, a good natured smirk on his face. “Come on Kiddo, I told you enough. Time for bed, maybe next time I can tell you the rest,” he said floating inside the window. Jamie was still trying to fight back the sleep, rubbing his eyes as another yawn escaped his lips.


“Awww…I am not- *yawn* – sleepy….”


Jack only rolled his eyes and bent down to carry him. Hoisting him carefully with his arms, he walked to the bed and got the sleepy boy to lie down and tucked him in, careful not to leave any frost on his blanket. Good thing Jamie didn’t put up a fight, he was already fast asleep when his head hit his pillow. Jack hovered up above his sleeping form to check if he really was asleep before he landed on the window’s edge; smiling and looks out to see a golden cloud in the middle of the sky.


With a loud voice, he yelled out “Right on time Sandy!”.


The golden figure riding on the cloud turned and smiled, waving his hand to their direction. The Sandman, the Guardian of Dreams. The little golden man yet again is out distributing his dream sand to the children of the town, providing them all with soothing dreams as they slumber through the night. A stream of dream sand lazily followed a wiggly path to the Bennett window. The sand slowly swirled and made its way up to Jamie’s head filling his mind with more beautiful dreams. Jack looked back one more time to smile upon seeing the little boy’s smile on his face. It was then he decided to climb out and go, silently promising to come back soon.


Breathing in the crisp winter air, the frost guardian jumped off from the window sill and flew off into the night. He flew up and up to the air, a yell of excitement as the wind rose him up higher until he got a good few feet up to look down at the town. The people are mostly asleep but another part of the town said otherwise as the late night establishments came to life.


Amazing how alive humans can get nowadays at night. Late night bars just opening up, some cars still driving by, some even honking like there is actually traffic on the road. Jack just chuckled to himself. You can’t beat the night and its wonder. There are just some things you also need to view up in the air to appreciate it’s splendor.


He looked to his left and a hand cupped the side of his mouth to prepare a yell “Hey Wind, why don’t we take it slow tonight?” A soft breeze then caressed his face, as if agreeing with him and Jack slowly soared.


This was Jack’s favorite of all the perks the Man in the Moon gave to him. Having the wind as his companion. It was like being able to ride a rollercoaster any time you wanted, and you can adjust the speed if you asked nicely. And boy was it fun every single time. The wind carried him gently, a difference from how it usually carries him through the night. It was just a nice fly out, allowing him to savor the little details of the town. Lit streetlights, occasional people walking by, some animals scampering to find shelter, heck even the annoying snow plows getting rid of his beloved snow.


He never understood why humans invented them but then again, it was for safety. Someone might slip on the ice and get seriously hurt and he did not want to be responsible. So let the humans have their modern inventions. Although just a gust of wind was enough really as he tried to make sure the snow wasn’t too thick.


Jack continued his lazy flight, still just looking at the random objects that might interest him.


Like a splash of pink just around the park.




Jack hovered downwards to check it out and smirked. Hidden in the branches was a girl tinkering with a heart-shaped monitor. She was a small girl, looking at around the age of 12 or 13 with childish features further emphasizing her youth. Curly short blonde hair framed her face, with a single pink streak on the right side that only matched the deep pink of her eyes. Her clothes were modern as she wore white sneakers with a pink lining and a single white wing on the sides of each shoe. Her top was a tight white crop top that supported a very baggy pink one underneath; so big that the straps were draping down the sides of her arms and a wavy train behind her back. Gold bands on her wrist and a golden belt bag around her waist, Jack thought of the only spirit in mind with that sort of attire.


Cece Cupid, the current spirit of Desire out on her new assignment.



Jack just watched her go about about her business. Cece was a lot older than she looked, even if she looked like a kid compared to him. But she was the daughter of one of the Greek Gods from what he heard. Although that didn’t help his pride a bit. He still looked older compared to her, but she 10 times as old as he was in years as a spirit.


He couldn’t resist but sneak up from behind her as she was setting up. Cece had always been so serious with her projects that she could just block everything out of her mind. Hence why it was such a temptation to the mischievous spirit to just surprise her. And Jack gave in to temptation all too easily.


Watching her from afar, he noticed her hand rummaged through her belt bag briefly before she then took out a small yellow arrow out. She closed one eye, bending her arm back and was holding it in a throwing position like the arrow was some sort of dart. As she aimed, he hovered close enough just inches from her shoulders and when his mouth was near enough to her ear.

He yelled. “BOO!”




Jack’s face almost collided with an elbow but luckily was able to move out of the way before Cece knocked a tooth out. Jack had forgotten that Cece reacted whenever she was surprised. He managed to duck again when she threw an arrow at him. “Hey, hey, easy, It’s just me!” Jack held his hands defensively when the spirit aimed another arrow-dart at him. He also forgot that she tended to go a little overboard. Cece squinted her eyes trying to see who it was, her pink eyes widening before forming into a glare when she recognized him.



“Frost?! Seriously???” she hissed.


Cece was not in the mood to be toyed around when she was behind schedule with her projects and she was behind 13 targets in 3 continents already.


 “This better be good as you wasted one of my arrows…” her childish face scrunching up to what looked to be like a look of anger. Unfortunately, she only looked like she was pouting.


Chuckling, the Guardian just draped his crook on his shoulder “Hey, I am not the girl gets jumpy a snap of a finger. You need to relax sometimes…” Jack smirked at her. She can be so uptight, causing her to get just as jumpy as Bunnymund whenever he surprises them


Cece huffed. “I will relax when you stop bothering me whenever I am about to aim! Aiming an enchanted arrow is not easy you know!”


Jack raised a brow. “Uh…aim and throw”


“Oh be quiet!”


Jack could not help but laugh, she was just too easy to rile up. Plus, whenever she got mad, her baby face was only cuter to look at. The way her button nose twitches upward and how her mouth formed this angry pout?  It almost was a need of his to make her angry just to see that face.


Cece snarled but after a few moments, took a deep breath and sighed. She never could stay angry for long, no matter how much her temper rivaled Bunnymund’s. Being the Spirit of Feelings, she had to be professional with her own emotions.


No matter how badly you want to shoot someone right now…” she thought to herself.


Deciding to just ignore Jack and get along with her work, she went back to spying over a family who was out skating that evening. Jack couldn’t help his curiosity and landed on a spot next to where she was kneeling. He narrowed his eyes, searching for who she was aiming for exactly. He blinked when he saw she was aiming for the kid but before he could react, she threw the arrow-dart, managing to hit the child’s arm. Jack was about to launch himself towards the child, but was stopped by the female spirit’s hand grabbing his arm.


“Hey! I gotta see if he is hurt!” Jack cried, shocked at her seemingly emotionless stare. “ Why did you-,”


“Shut it and watch,” she answered nonchalantly.


Tightening his lips together, Jack scowled at her looked back to the small family and saw that not only was the child fine, but he was affectionately taking out a small present from the pocket of his winter coat and giving it to his parents. At the action, soft glowing balls of light slowly started emitting from the child and it envelops the parents as they happily thank the simple gift their little child gave to them. He watched as the lights just continue circle around the family, but the family didn’t seem to be aware of them.


She sighed muttering a quick “One done” before she slowly floated away in frustration, still attempting to ignore the still gaping spirit next to her. She had no time for his foolishness or whatever he has planned to bother her with. It took a few moments for Jack to realize that she was already floating away from him before he turned and flew after her as she flew down the street.


“What happened there? That was so cool, with all the lights and stuff but then I didn’t really understand the thing with the small arrow but wow! What was with all the lights anyway?” he asked in a rapid pace, turning his body so he was floating on his back and one of his hands inside his sweatshirt’s pocket.


“I just shot them a little bit of magic is all. Just made them happier, whoopie! So, can I please go now?” she grumpily answered back.


Jack frowned but followed her none the less. “So, I see you got like a giant heart on your back. What is it?”.


“A guitar,” she replied shortly, and flew a bit faster, trying to lose him but Jack only tailed her faster to keep up.


“Cool,” Jack could only reply, switching his hold of his staff to the other side to get nearer to Cece. He thought for a moment then looked at her with a hopeful smile “Mind you show me?”


Cece whipped his head to give him a look like he was ludicrous “What?”


“Just show me how you use it! I wanna see how you use your guitar,” Jack hovered in front of her like an excited child. Cece blinked at the suddenly curious male flying in front of her but immediately gave a deadpanned gaze.


“No” she answered simply and attempted to fly past him but was stopped by a pouting male with his staff pointing directly at her.


She glared, or pouted, back “ wouldn’t dare, Frost…”


 Was he serious in trying to freeze her? Unfortunately, his smirk was the only answer she received.


Finding no way out of this, she could only pinch the bridge of her nose in frustration. Cece was going to regret this. And with a begrudging tone, she seethed a low “fine”. Jack just grinned victoriously and flew a bit back to give her some room before Cece then took the guitar behind her back off her shoulder to a proper playing position.


Her guitar was pretty small, just right though for her small size. The body was shaped like a winged heart but you can see the essentials like the bridge and pick ups. The fretboard nestled between the two top curves of the heart. The headstock was cylindrical in shape, just a simple shape with the tuning pegs around the sides. And the entire thing was gold


Jack couldn’t help but stifle a giggle. “That is…..some fruity guitar” he chuckled and bit his forefinger to prevent himself from snickering any longer “But don’t you also carry a bow, isn’t that like a Cupid thing?.


“Can it, Frost. I can’t lug around both a bow and a guitar at the same time. Have you ever heard of travelling lightly?” she paused for a bit while grimacing and grudgingly revealed. “...and Grandma Aphrodite insisted on it being gold.” Jack just laughed briefly, wiping an imaginary tear from the corner of his eye “So what does it do?”


“If you MUST know,” Cece grumbled. “Music has the power to soothe human souls. Apollo had that idea a long time ago.” 


“God of music, right?” Jack asked, after he paused trying to remember his mythology.


Cece just nodded. “That’s the one. I heard about his power from my Grandmother. Apollo was also a God of Healing. He used his music soothed hearts and was said to cure illnesses. But, since I am not Apollo, I may as well just try to do what I can to ease the pain of a heart ache, even just a little.”


Jack raised a brow. "So, why DO you carry the guitar around if you are not Apollo?" He flew a lil bit closer to her, trying to see her face. Cece just retained a blank face as she focused on her eyes on her bleeping monitor. A minute passed and she felt an intense gaze on her, making her peek at the corners of her eyes to see a very focused Jack Frost waiting for her to answer. She swore that several veins popped on the side of her head.


Seeing as there is no getting out of this, she answered. “As I said before, music soothes the souls. After I heard from Grandmother about Apollo’s abilities, I wanted to try and learn that ability. It’s hard to just manually try and monitor people’s desires, and I don’t exactly have any helpers with the job description.”


She looked at him, briefly raising her brow as if saying “Still following?” before turning her gaze back to her monitor.


“And besides, it helps when I have a ton of targets in one city. Anyone with the desire matching my melody; example is when I play a happy beat then the people with happy desires will be happier and if i play a sad beat, they get sadder.”


“But nothing beats a one-on-one with a target” she thought silently to herself. She didn’t mind just patiently working with a single target, working out solutions, getting to know them on a personal basis even if they don't know she was there. It just took a lot more time and love is much needed in this day and age. Badly.


Jack just gave an understanding smile. He kind of understood the need to have some help. He had the wind tell him which places needed some snow and it guided him to the fastest route possible so he wouldn’t be late. Having a guitar that can make a melody loud enough for an entire city was a pretty nifty tool.


He watched with silent anticipation as Cece closed her eyes for a brief moment before she opened them again and turned three tuning pegs, testing one of her guitar strings before finally giving it a strum.


A melody started to play. Jack could see the strings of her guitar starting to glow a soft pinkish color. Cece just closed her eyes as she strummed. Jack noticed that the nearby people started to get….affectionate and happy. A nearby couple lovingly held each other as they went to the a popular lovers park. A kid out with his father asked for a piggyback ride which the father happily did, laughing along the way down the street. Even a pair of stray dogs went to bark and play with each other. Jack just stood there, leaning on his staff as he watched the same glowing lights start to emit from the happy, smiling faces of every living creature he would look at.


“So this is what your music does?” He finally said, breaking the verbal silence as Cece continued strumming. “People get affected differently by every different melody. It’s kind of like when you listen to heavy metal to get your anger out, or classical music to relax to? It’s sort of like that. If I play a melody that is upbeat and happy, only those with positive feelings will be affected. If I play a sad melody, only those with negative feelings will be affected so you get the picture.” She paused to turn a knob up and continued strumming, the music amplified. “But the only thing that hinders my music to take full effect is that I have to finish the entire melody. Apollo didn’t need to. One note was all it takes for him to fully heal someone instantly.”



Cece then landed on the ground to walk as she continued strumming out the rest of the musical score, with Jack also landing to follow her behind. True enough, every living creature who seemed to have heard her song became happier. It was like their entire day was only filled with happiness.


Jack just listened to the music as he walked. He felt his own heart lighten the longer he listened. Maybe her music had some effect with spirits too. She was always so mysterious with her work. By now, he knew how the others did their work. Groundhog, Leprechaun, the other seasonal spirits and of course the other Guardians. But she never really stayed long for him to get a good look.


He continued walking with her until she finally stopped walking and playing, watching her exhale. Cece looked at Jack, raising a brow when she found him staring at her.


“What?”. Jack just blinked, snapping back to reality and scratched his head. “Uh….that was good! I mean uh-....well just out of curiosity,” he shifted his feet a bit and looked away, obviously hesitant.


“I am not getting any younger here, Frost. Just spit it out” Cece placed her guitar behind her back again, still not taking her suspicious gaze off him.


Jack exhaled and looked at her with a bit of a hesitant look “Could I come with you on your next assignment? I mean, out of curiosity on how you make someone find love and all.”


Cece just glared more, growing more suspicious by the minute.


“This is just out of curiosity?” Jack nodded.


“No tricks…?”. He nodded again.


Cece thought for the moment but her train of thought was interrupted with a beeping coming from her monitor, taking it out to look.


After a moment of assessment, she placed it back in her pocket “Fine. We leave now.”


Jack beamed briefly before frowning, “Now?”


“Are you deaf?” Cece snapped before clicked her heels together.


Jack was almost blown away when a strong gust of wind circled her feet and the wings of her shoes grew to full sized wings. With a strong flap, Cece knelt looking at him, “Follow me and don’t lag behind.” And she shot up to the air, taking the skies while leaving a very confused Jack Frost on the ground.


“H-hey! Wait for me! Wind, follow her!” Jack yelled and the wind quickly carried him to follow Cece, silently grumbling to himself at the sudden departure.


So how was it? Elsa will come in the later chapters don't worry. :3 Critiques are welcome. Please no flamers.

My first fanfiction in 7 yrs. Jelsa has taken over my life. I ship them soooo hard! Anyway, for all you people out there, Jelsa means "Jack x Elsa". Jack Frost from Rise of the Guardians and Elsa the Snow Queen from Frozen. 

I have OCs, so hope you like how i wrote them. 

OH YES. I thank the lovely ~Allaynia for beta-reading my story. Her fanfictions are one of the best, and would you know she knows some of my friends in real life? *cue "It's a Small World"*

And also the lovely Arialene in as well. She is a wonderful writer and wonderful friend so go read her "Frostbitten" and "Frostbitten: Vignettes" series, people!


Cece Cupid and story - MINE
Jack and Elsa - owned by Dreamworks, William Joyce and Disney respectively.
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